Downloaden Wild Child By Audrey Carlan Pdf Ebook

Downloaden Wild Child By Audrey Carlan Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

The newest sizzling romance from Audrey Carlan, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Calendar Girl series.

Twice my life changed in a single day.

The first was when I lost my parents. Hand in hand I walked with my big sister up the steps of Kerrighan House, a foster home for girls. We were lucky to be met with open arms and a house filled with children just like us. Children who’d lost everything. From that day forward, we were raised as one big family. Our bonds of sisterhood were strengthened through shared experience, pain, sacrifice, and love. Sisters not by blood, but by choice.

Soul sisters.

The second day my life changed was on the worst day of my adult life. My boyfriend broke up with me via text. My sleazy boss hit on me, forcing me to quit a job I desperately needed. And the cherry on top, was getting pulled over by an FBI Agent. Little did I know, he’d also save my life that night.

From the moment we met, Agent Fontaine wouldn’t dare let me out of his sight. And between his alpha ways, kind brown eyes, and heroism, I was lost to the man who hid behind his job. But this agent had a rule: never fall for a woman you’ve saved.

Yet I wasn’t just any woman. I was known among my sisters for taking risks and dreaming big. I was the wild child of the group. We were raised to appreciate every day as the gift it was, and not let anything stand in our way. The more I got to know the brooding, serious FBI man, the more I realized that maybe it was my duty to save him.



I loved this book

Love the book I read it in 2 days. I couldn’t put it down.


Couldn’t put it down

This book was absolutely amazing!!! I started it on a Saturday night and finished it the following day. The story pulled at my heart strings throughout. I felt for each one of these characters in different ways. It broke my heart when Tabitha made a selfless decision but I loved her so much for it. I can’t wait to read more about the sisters and what their futures hold.

Samantha B. Sokol


WHAT A WILD RIDE! This was my first read from Audrey and I really didn’t know what to expect but the suspense and guessing from this book kept me so enthralled that I am so excited for the next installment in this series and read this book so quickly! Simone grew up in a foster home full of other girls where they banded together as a family with the woman who raised them all. On the way home after a horrible day where she quit her job, she gets pulled over by a FBI agent Jonah and it turns out someone was hiding in the trunk of her car and after shooting at them he gets away. It turns out that the shooter is actually a notorious serial killer that the FBI has been hunting down. The initial chemistry and attraction between Jonah and Simone continues throughout the storyline and they decide to take the chance of following their feelings, but with a serial killer on the loose it gets personal quickly. After multiple bodies close to both Simone and Jonah taunting them and straining their budding relationship and a kidnapping on top of it all, it ends somewhat abruptly although full circle. This was a wild ride of a book and I can’t wait for the next installment to see how things are going for Simone’s sister as a survivor. I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.


Sexy, Suspenseful, and Sweet

I'm not typically a cover person in that I hardly ever choose my reads based on what's on the front of a book. Something, though, about the cover for WILD CHILD by Audrey Carlan just called to me, and I found myself signing up to read a book that I thought might not actually resonate with me. I'm happy to say that this is not the case. From the cover and the description of the book, I thought that Simone might be too young, too flighty, too, well, too flaky, frankly, to keep my interest. As a woman of a certain age, the New Adult sub-genre doesn't always work for me. But what I found was a smart, quirky, wide open young woman, one that is pretty near impossible to dislike. What you see is what you get with Simone, which is true of the whole gaggle of sisters that Mama Kerri raised. She speaks her mind, she goes after what she wants, she just generally embraces life, with all of its ups and downs, with arms wide open. I am convinced that FBI Agent Jonah Fontaine had absolutely no clue what he was in for when he and Simone met. And, try as he might, there's just no resisting her, because the chemistry here is blazing. Laughter, heartbreak, suspense, passion, and an abundance of love make up the landscape of WILD CHILD. These characters have by no means had an easy time of things, and there is plenty of action keeping things bumping right along, and all of this together make this one book that I'm really glad that I took a chance on. Audrey Carlan has done such a great job with this book that I can't wait for the rest of the sisters (did I mention that there are lots of them?) to get their stories, too. Grab this one and enjoy. ❤️


good start but needs work

I am normally a sucker for a good romance but with this one, it feels like the writer is writing solely for the purpose of moving her story along. A lot of the things that happen are choppy and need more finessing. It’s a good start but I think it needs a little work.



This book has absolutely everything and shows you the power of determination, achieving your dreams, falling in love, and bonding with sisters of your heart. Each emotion pulling you in a word at a time and at the end of Simone and Jonah’s story you’ll never be the same again. You will embrace all life has to offer and truly connect with the wild child that resides in all of us. This story will leave you in the edge of your seat desperate for every detail and mourning when you read the very last word. Audrey Carlan crafts a beautiful story that connects sisters and what they overcome with one another and becomes stronger together. Absolutely brilliant start to a new series you will not want to put down!


Wild Child

I wasn’t expecting this, but I must say I enjoyed it. It grabbed my attention on the first couple of pages. It’s about sisterhood, looking out for each other, meeting a guy/falling in love with him when you least expect it and solving a crime. Interesting read and it took me ~2 hrs to finish it.


Wildly Captivating! ❤️❤️❤️

Wild Child is a phenomenal book that will captivate your attention from page one and have you turning every page to find out what happens next. Simone is such a loving and kindly wild young woman, struggling to find herself. She’s surrounded by her beautiful foster sisters, Mama Kerry and her own blood sister. Sisterhood as its best! Jonah is the hot FBI agent that you definitely would want to cross your path! Boy he’s dreamy but a broken soul hidden under a badge. Their connection is off the charts! The suspense on this book is spot on. Your heart will beat fast and feel tight with all the suspense that takes place. It’s just that good! I love this side of Audrey Carlan! She is a genius with her words. The crazy plots that she creates in that phenomenal head of hers is mind blowing! Wild Child is product of the beautiful creation. You will get to enjoy the fun, laughter, love, family and suspense all packed in one wildly captivating book! Hands down a must read! Thank you AC for giving us a beautiful escape from this crazy world right now! ❤️❤️❤️ Nanedsmomba- reviewer and blogger for Life Reads With Friends


A Suspenseful Romance

Audrey Carlan captives us again in a new series. Wild Child is the first in the Soul Sister series and I can’t wait until the next. After losing her parents in a terrible house fire when she was a young child, Simone and her sister were sent to a foster. Her foster mother raised 8 foster girls all on her own in a house full of love. But a bad day turns into a nightmare when she’s in the sights of a serial killer. Now she’s under the protection of the FBI agent who was there to protect her and get away from the serial killer. But now that Jonah has saved Simone both are the targets for this serial killer. Love at first sight! Or is it just a case of falling for her Savior? Follow the story of Wild Child Simone and her hero Jonah. Plus the added benefit of all of Simone’s eccentric sisters.


Romance that keeps you on your toes

I love Audrey’s writing! She has a way of interweaving romance, suspense and tragedy into phenomenal books. Simone and Jonah’s story is no exception and ranks in my favorites from her.
 Their story is full of ups and downs from the past and present. Simone is a wild child, ready to have things go right but that’s definitely not in her future when the book starts. Jonah is a busy FBI Agent working on a hard case that calls him to Simone. Add to their story 7 sisters, a foster mama, a broken brotherhood, and one serial killer you won’t be able to put this book down!


Wild Child is a wild ride! ❤️

Jonah is a divorced FBI agent. Simone is a struggling bartender/waitress/floral designer determined to maintain her independence. Their worlds collide with the search for a serial killer. Wild Child has all the makings of a great read: action, romance, heartbreak, and suspense. Loved the first of this series!


WILD CHILD is a must read!!

Wild Child is Audrey Carlan at her best! Returning to her roots of sisterhood, suspense, and a much earned HEA this story had me on the edge of my seat. Simone is an everyday woman struggling to find her place in the world. Jonah is a man with a job he loves but not much else. Two lost souls find each other when they need each other most... This story is book 1 in a series but I appreciated the fact that it was not overrun with info on the supporting characters. At the same time, the peeks of her foster sisters and their dynamic leave a ton of room open for more books!!

Jana love this

Best Romantic Suspense of 2020!

Wild Child is romantic suspense at its best and is the perfect escape to get lost in. From the first chapter you will be blown away and your heart will be beating wildly in your chest. Just wait until you meet the sexy, protective, can I please have all his babies - FBI agent Jonah Fontaine. He made me sweat as much as he made me swoon. As soon as he met Simone with her big personality and beautiful eyes that showed you her amazing soul, he was hooked and so was I. The way Jonah always had to keep her close and every time they touched it was electric. They grounded each other in the most beautiful way. This couple needed each other as much as they wanted each other and it was magnificent to watch them fall in love. Simone has a biological sister and foster sisters who are fantastic - her soul sisters and loving foster mama are her whole world. You will fall in love with each of them for different reasons. They would do anything for each other and it’s breathtaking to watch. I wanted to be their sister by choice too. With sisterhood like that, you know you’re never alone. You need to read this book for the hot FBI guys, the soul sisters, the pictures, the Ferris wheel, the books and the chase alone. Audrey Carlan this story is a perfect blend of everything I love about all your stories rolled into one. Wild Child will captivate you as you take this thrilling journey of heartache, forgiveness, hope, sacrifice, friendship, sisterhood and life changing love. Tracey, Life Reads With Friends


By far the best book of 2020!

Do you love a book that grabs your attention from the very first page? Do you love a book that is so unpredictable you just have to keep reading to see how it ends? This is one of those books. Be prepared to want to read this book in one sitting. This is a book you will want to devour whole. The main characters Simone and Jonah have such an amazing chemistry that is felt from the very start and at times they are sizzling to the point I checked to see if my kindle app was on fire. Did I mention Jonah is an FBI agent and an alpha male? Not only does he want to save Simone but he needs a bit of saving too. These two will leave you swooning and wanting more! Simone also has a group of sisters as she was in foster care. She has one biological sister and several other foster sisters. The bond that all the sisters share is just truly amazing and it is something I feel every woman needs! Soul sisters for the win!!! This book is heart pounding and heart stopping all at the same time. From the heart pounding suspense and not knowing what’s going to happen next to the heart stopping and skipping beats and stomach somersaults of Simone and Jonah’s connection, this book takes you on a ride. So buckle up, grab some tissues and maybe some popcorn. This is a book you do not want to miss. Absolutely hands down the best book of 2020 by far.



From the first page I was hooked! This was by far one of the most amazing stories I have read and it that leaves you wanting more. The story focuses on Simone and Jonah and the unconventional way they meet and the circumstances that keep them together. The love story that ensues is everything you would want in real life. I found myself completely engrossed and wishing that I was in fact one of the sisters in the story so that I could see everything first hand. The concept of sisterhood is completely heartwarming and I am hoping that this leads to a story for each of the amazing women introduced. You would be doing yourself a disservice by not reading this book. Kudos to Audrey Carlan for another amazing book!

Boating Mom

Bonds of love and sisterhood!

Audrey Carlan nailed it with this book! The chemistry, suspense, and family bonds make this book one of a kind! Simone and Jonah meet in a very unexpected way that was the icing on the cake after an absolutely horrible day for Simone. The events that take place after will have chills running down your spine. But the passion between Jonah and Simone will warm you right back up again. While the relationship between Jonah and Simone was more than enough to keep me flipping page after page, the bonds between Simone and her foster family was so heartwarming! The bonds of sisterhood are an amazing thing and I absolutely adored the unity between them all. While I love a great romance, this story gave me something even better. It filled my heart to overflowing! Thank you to Audrey Carlan for writing such an inspiring story!


Edge of your seat

I was so not expecting everything about this book. Yes, it's a romance, but there's so much more to it than that. There is family by chance. There is a deep, abiding mother's love. There is the bond of sisters by blood as well as sisters by chance. There is sorrow and suspense and drama and gut wrenching tragedy. And then there is the soul deep love that completes two souls and brings them together and able to survive anything. I laughed; I cried; and I can't wait for more of this amazing group. Ms. Carlan truly outdid herself with this book and has set the bar high.


Wild Child was WILD!

I am honored to take part in the release blitz for Audrey Carlan's newest release: "Wild Child"! Book 1 in her Soul Sister series! Audrey has outdone herself again! // "Wild Child" was WILD! Wildly exciting, suspenseful, romantic, and full of love for the sisterhood! // Simone and her seven foster sisters grew up together by circumstance but stayed together by choice, forming their own sisterhood with Mama Kerri heading up their matriarch. "Wild Child" focuses on Simone’s story, along with an introduction to the sisters of Kerrighan House. // Full-force action right from the start! I was pulled to the edge of my seat in a matter of moments, and now I think twice before taking off somewhere! More on that when you read the book, though, as I don't want to spoil anything! I loved how quickly I became immersed in the storyline and characters. I absolutely relished the Ferris Wheel scene; love love love! That fierce, bold connection between Simone and FBI Agent Jonah Fontaine was delicious! Their relationship was more than just instantaneous love; I could FEEL the real and raw emotion coming through the pages of my Kindle Paperwhite! // The thrilling murder mystery FBI hunt kept the action flowing from start to finish. Along those lines... I was in literal tears at a certain point; trust me, you will understand when you read it! That ending, though, I savored EVERY bit of it. A luscious conclusion to the love story and a bittersweet sisterly transition from book one leading up to book two. Add this romance to Simone's sisters and Jonah's brother in blue's intense loyalty, and you have a novel that 100% makes it into my top reads of 2020! // Another wonderful read that I'd recommend from rooftops by the brilliant Audrey Carlan! Many thanks to the author and Social Butterfly PR for my advanced complimentary copy of this title. I have honestly and voluntarily reviewed this title.

Downloaden Wild Child By Audrey Carlan Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

The newest sizzling romance from Audrey Carlan, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Calendar Girl series.

Twice my life changed in a single day.

The first was when I lost my parents. Hand in hand I walked with my big sister up the steps of Kerrighan House, a foster home for girls. We were lucky to be met with open arms and a house filled with children just like us. Children who’d lost everything. From that day forward, we were raised as one big family. Our bonds of sisterhood were strengthened through shared experience, pain, sacrifice, and love. Sisters not by blood, but by choice.

Soul sisters.

The second day my life changed was on the worst day of my adult life. My boyfriend broke up with me via text. My sleazy boss hit on me, forcing me to quit a job I desperately needed. And the cherry on top, was getting pulled over by an FBI Agent. Little did I know, he’d also save my life that night.

From the moment we met, Agent Fontaine wouldn’t dare let me out of his sight. And between his alpha ways, kind brown eyes, and heroism, I was lost to the man who hid behind his job. But this agent had a rule: never fall for a woman you’ve saved.

Yet I wasn’t just any woman. I was known among my sisters for taking risks and dreaming big. I was the wild child of the group. We were raised to appreciate every day as the gift it was, and not let anything stand in our way. The more I got to know the brooding, serious FBI man, the more I realized that maybe it was my duty to save him.



I loved this book

Love the book I read it in 2 days. I couldn’t put it down.


Couldn’t put it down

This book was absolutely amazing!!! I started it on a Saturday night and finished it the following day. The story pulled at my heart strings throughout. I felt for each one of these characters in different ways. It broke my heart when Tabitha made a selfless decision but I loved her so much for it. I can’t wait to read more about the sisters and what their futures hold.

Samantha B. Sokol


WHAT A WILD RIDE! This was my first read from Audrey and I really didn’t know what to expect but the suspense and guessing from this book kept me so enthralled that I am so excited for the next installment in this series and read this book so quickly! Simone grew up in a foster home full of other girls where they banded together as a family with the woman who raised them all. On the way home after a horrible day where she quit her job, she gets pulled over by a FBI agent Jonah and it turns out someone was hiding in the trunk of her car and after shooting at them he gets away. It turns out that the shooter is actually a notorious serial killer that the FBI has been hunting down. The initial chemistry and attraction between Jonah and Simone continues throughout the storyline and they decide to take the chance of following their feelings, but with a serial killer on the loose it gets personal quickly. After multiple bodies close to both Simone and Jonah taunting them and straining their budding relationship and a kidnapping on top of it all, it ends somewhat abruptly although full circle. This was a wild ride of a book and I can’t wait for the next installment to see how things are going for Simone’s sister as a survivor. I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.


Sexy, Suspenseful, and Sweet

I'm not typically a cover person in that I hardly ever choose my reads based on what's on the front of a book. Something, though, about the cover for WILD CHILD by Audrey Carlan just called to me, and I found myself signing up to read a book that I thought might not actually resonate with me. I'm happy to say that this is not the case. From the cover and the description of the book, I thought that Simone might be too young, too flighty, too, well, too flaky, frankly, to keep my interest. As a woman of a certain age, the New Adult sub-genre doesn't always work for me. But what I found was a smart, quirky, wide open young woman, one that is pretty near impossible to dislike. What you see is what you get with Simone, which is true of the whole gaggle of sisters that Mama Kerri raised. She speaks her mind, she goes after what she wants, she just generally embraces life, with all of its ups and downs, with arms wide open. I am convinced that FBI Agent Jonah Fontaine had absolutely no clue what he was in for when he and Simone met. And, try as he might, there's just no resisting her, because the chemistry here is blazing. Laughter, heartbreak, suspense, passion, and an abundance of love make up the landscape of WILD CHILD. These characters have by no means had an easy time of things, and there is plenty of action keeping things bumping right along, and all of this together make this one book that I'm really glad that I took a chance on. Audrey Carlan has done such a great job with this book that I can't wait for the rest of the sisters (did I mention that there are lots of them?) to get their stories, too. Grab this one and enjoy. ❤️


good start but needs work

I am normally a sucker for a good romance but with this one, it feels like the writer is writing solely for the purpose of moving her story along. A lot of the things that happen are choppy and need more finessing. It’s a good start but I think it needs a little work.



This book has absolutely everything and shows you the power of determination, achieving your dreams, falling in love, and bonding with sisters of your heart. Each emotion pulling you in a word at a time and at the end of Simone and Jonah’s story you’ll never be the same again. You will embrace all life has to offer and truly connect with the wild child that resides in all of us. This story will leave you in the edge of your seat desperate for every detail and mourning when you read the very last word. Audrey Carlan crafts a beautiful story that connects sisters and what they overcome with one another and becomes stronger together. Absolutely brilliant start to a new series you will not want to put down!


Wild Child

I wasn’t expecting this, but I must say I enjoyed it. It grabbed my attention on the first couple of pages. It’s about sisterhood, looking out for each other, meeting a guy/falling in love with him when you least expect it and solving a crime. Interesting read and it took me ~2 hrs to finish it.


Wildly Captivating! ❤️❤️❤️

Wild Child is a phenomenal book that will captivate your attention from page one and have you turning every page to find out what happens next. Simone is such a loving and kindly wild young woman, struggling to find herself. She’s surrounded by her beautiful foster sisters, Mama Kerry and her own blood sister. Sisterhood as its best! Jonah is the hot FBI agent that you definitely would want to cross your path! Boy he’s dreamy but a broken soul hidden under a badge. Their connection is off the charts! The suspense on this book is spot on. Your heart will beat fast and feel tight with all the suspense that takes place. It’s just that good! I love this side of Audrey Carlan! She is a genius with her words. The crazy plots that she creates in that phenomenal head of hers is mind blowing! Wild Child is product of the beautiful creation. You will get to enjoy the fun, laughter, love, family and suspense all packed in one wildly captivating book! Hands down a must read! Thank you AC for giving us a beautiful escape from this crazy world right now! ❤️❤️❤️ Nanedsmomba- reviewer and blogger for Life Reads With Friends


A Suspenseful Romance

Audrey Carlan captives us again in a new series. Wild Child is the first in the Soul Sister series and I can’t wait until the next. After losing her parents in a terrible house fire when she was a young child, Simone and her sister were sent to a foster. Her foster mother raised 8 foster girls all on her own in a house full of love. But a bad day turns into a nightmare when she’s in the sights of a serial killer. Now she’s under the protection of the FBI agent who was there to protect her and get away from the serial killer. But now that Jonah has saved Simone both are the targets for this serial killer. Love at first sight! Or is it just a case of falling for her Savior? Follow the story of Wild Child Simone and her hero Jonah. Plus the added benefit of all of Simone’s eccentric sisters.


Romance that keeps you on your toes

I love Audrey’s writing! She has a way of interweaving romance, suspense and tragedy into phenomenal books. Simone and Jonah’s story is no exception and ranks in my favorites from her.
 Their story is full of ups and downs from the past and present. Simone is a wild child, ready to have things go right but that’s definitely not in her future when the book starts. Jonah is a busy FBI Agent working on a hard case that calls him to Simone. Add to their story 7 sisters, a foster mama, a broken brotherhood, and one serial killer you won’t be able to put this book down!


Wild Child is a wild ride! ❤️

Jonah is a divorced FBI agent. Simone is a struggling bartender/waitress/floral designer determined to maintain her independence. Their worlds collide with the search for a serial killer. Wild Child has all the makings of a great read: action, romance, heartbreak, and suspense. Loved the first of this series!


WILD CHILD is a must read!!

Wild Child is Audrey Carlan at her best! Returning to her roots of sisterhood, suspense, and a much earned HEA this story had me on the edge of my seat. Simone is an everyday woman struggling to find her place in the world. Jonah is a man with a job he loves but not much else. Two lost souls find each other when they need each other most... This story is book 1 in a series but I appreciated the fact that it was not overrun with info on the supporting characters. At the same time, the peeks of her foster sisters and their dynamic leave a ton of room open for more books!!

Jana love this

Best Romantic Suspense of 2020!

Wild Child is romantic suspense at its best and is the perfect escape to get lost in. From the first chapter you will be blown away and your heart will be beating wildly in your chest. Just wait until you meet the sexy, protective, can I please have all his babies - FBI agent Jonah Fontaine. He made me sweat as much as he made me swoon. As soon as he met Simone with her big personality and beautiful eyes that showed you her amazing soul, he was hooked and so was I. The way Jonah always had to keep her close and every time they touched it was electric. They grounded each other in the most beautiful way. This couple needed each other as much as they wanted each other and it was magnificent to watch them fall in love. Simone has a biological sister and foster sisters who are fantastic - her soul sisters and loving foster mama are her whole world. You will fall in love with each of them for different reasons. They would do anything for each other and it’s breathtaking to watch. I wanted to be their sister by choice too. With sisterhood like that, you know you’re never alone. You need to read this book for the hot FBI guys, the soul sisters, the pictures, the Ferris wheel, the books and the chase alone. Audrey Carlan this story is a perfect blend of everything I love about all your stories rolled into one. Wild Child will captivate you as you take this thrilling journey of heartache, forgiveness, hope, sacrifice, friendship, sisterhood and life changing love. Tracey, Life Reads With Friends


By far the best book of 2020!

Do you love a book that grabs your attention from the very first page? Do you love a book that is so unpredictable you just have to keep reading to see how it ends? This is one of those books. Be prepared to want to read this book in one sitting. This is a book you will want to devour whole. The main characters Simone and Jonah have such an amazing chemistry that is felt from the very start and at times they are sizzling to the point I checked to see if my kindle app was on fire. Did I mention Jonah is an FBI agent and an alpha male? Not only does he want to save Simone but he needs a bit of saving too. These two will leave you swooning and wanting more! Simone also has a group of sisters as she was in foster care. She has one biological sister and several other foster sisters. The bond that all the sisters share is just truly amazing and it is something I feel every woman needs! Soul sisters for the win!!! This book is heart pounding and heart stopping all at the same time. From the heart pounding suspense and not knowing what’s going to happen next to the heart stopping and skipping beats and stomach somersaults of Simone and Jonah’s connection, this book takes you on a ride. So buckle up, grab some tissues and maybe some popcorn. This is a book you do not want to miss. Absolutely hands down the best book of 2020 by far.



From the first page I was hooked! This was by far one of the most amazing stories I have read and it that leaves you wanting more. The story focuses on Simone and Jonah and the unconventional way they meet and the circumstances that keep them together. The love story that ensues is everything you would want in real life. I found myself completely engrossed and wishing that I was in fact one of the sisters in the story so that I could see everything first hand. The concept of sisterhood is completely heartwarming and I am hoping that this leads to a story for each of the amazing women introduced. You would be doing yourself a disservice by not reading this book. Kudos to Audrey Carlan for another amazing book!

Boating Mom

Bonds of love and sisterhood!

Audrey Carlan nailed it with this book! The chemistry, suspense, and family bonds make this book one of a kind! Simone and Jonah meet in a very unexpected way that was the icing on the cake after an absolutely horrible day for Simone. The events that take place after will have chills running down your spine. But the passion between Jonah and Simone will warm you right back up again. While the relationship between Jonah and Simone was more than enough to keep me flipping page after page, the bonds between Simone and her foster family was so heartwarming! The bonds of sisterhood are an amazing thing and I absolutely adored the unity between them all. While I love a great romance, this story gave me something even better. It filled my heart to overflowing! Thank you to Audrey Carlan for writing such an inspiring story!


Edge of your seat

I was so not expecting everything about this book. Yes, it's a romance, but there's so much more to it than that. There is family by chance. There is a deep, abiding mother's love. There is the bond of sisters by blood as well as sisters by chance. There is sorrow and suspense and drama and gut wrenching tragedy. And then there is the soul deep love that completes two souls and brings them together and able to survive anything. I laughed; I cried; and I can't wait for more of this amazing group. Ms. Carlan truly outdid herself with this book and has set the bar high.


Wild Child was WILD!

I am honored to take part in the release blitz for Audrey Carlan's newest release: "Wild Child"! Book 1 in her Soul Sister series! Audrey has outdone herself again! // "Wild Child" was WILD! Wildly exciting, suspenseful, romantic, and full of love for the sisterhood! // Simone and her seven foster sisters grew up together by circumstance but stayed together by choice, forming their own sisterhood with Mama Kerri heading up their matriarch. "Wild Child" focuses on Simone’s story, along with an introduction to the sisters of Kerrighan House. // Full-force action right from the start! I was pulled to the edge of my seat in a matter of moments, and now I think twice before taking off somewhere! More on that when you read the book, though, as I don't want to spoil anything! I loved how quickly I became immersed in the storyline and characters. I absolutely relished the Ferris Wheel scene; love love love! That fierce, bold connection between Simone and FBI Agent Jonah Fontaine was delicious! Their relationship was more than just instantaneous love; I could FEEL the real and raw emotion coming through the pages of my Kindle Paperwhite! // The thrilling murder mystery FBI hunt kept the action flowing from start to finish. Along those lines... I was in literal tears at a certain point; trust me, you will understand when you read it! That ending, though, I savored EVERY bit of it. A luscious conclusion to the love story and a bittersweet sisterly transition from book one leading up to book two. Add this romance to Simone's sisters and Jonah's brother in blue's intense loyalty, and you have a novel that 100% makes it into my top reads of 2020! // Another wonderful read that I'd recommend from rooftops by the brilliant Audrey Carlan! Many thanks to the author and Social Butterfly PR for my advanced complimentary copy of this title. I have honestly and voluntarily reviewed this title.

Downloaden Wild Child By Audrey Carlan Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

The newest sizzling romance from Audrey Carlan, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Calendar Girl series.

Twice my life changed in a single day.

The first was when I lost my parents. Hand in hand I walked with my big sister up the steps of Kerrighan House, a foster home for girls. We were lucky to be met with open arms and a house filled with children just like us. Children who’d lost everything. From that day forward, we were raised as one big family. Our bonds of sisterhood were strengthened through shared experience, pain, sacrifice, and love. Sisters not by blood, but by choice.

Soul sisters.

The second day my life changed was on the worst day of my adult life. My boyfriend broke up with me via text. My sleazy boss hit on me, forcing me to quit a job I desperately needed. And the cherry on top, was getting pulled over by an FBI Agent. Little did I know, he’d also save my life that night.

From the moment we met, Agent Fontaine wouldn’t dare let me out of his sight. And between his alpha ways, kind brown eyes, and heroism, I was lost to the man who hid behind his job. But this agent had a rule: never fall for a woman you’ve saved.

Yet I wasn’t just any woman. I was known among my sisters for taking risks and dreaming big. I was the wild child of the group. We were raised to appreciate every day as the gift it was, and not let anything stand in our way. The more I got to know the brooding, serious FBI man, the more I realized that maybe it was my duty to save him.



I loved this book

Love the book I read it in 2 days. I couldn’t put it down.


Couldn’t put it down

This book was absolutely amazing!!! I started it on a Saturday night and finished it the following day. The story pulled at my heart strings throughout. I felt for each one of these characters in different ways. It broke my heart when Tabitha made a selfless decision but I loved her so much for it. I can’t wait to read more about the sisters and what their futures hold.

Samantha B. Sokol


WHAT A WILD RIDE! This was my first read from Audrey and I really didn’t know what to expect but the suspense and guessing from this book kept me so enthralled that I am so excited for the next installment in this series and read this book so quickly! Simone grew up in a foster home full of other girls where they banded together as a family with the woman who raised them all. On the way home after a horrible day where she quit her job, she gets pulled over by a FBI agent Jonah and it turns out someone was hiding in the trunk of her car and after shooting at them he gets away. It turns out that the shooter is actually a notorious serial killer that the FBI has been hunting down. The initial chemistry and attraction between Jonah and Simone continues throughout the storyline and they decide to take the chance of following their feelings, but with a serial killer on the loose it gets personal quickly. After multiple bodies close to both Simone and Jonah taunting them and straining their budding relationship and a kidnapping on top of it all, it ends somewhat abruptly although full circle. This was a wild ride of a book and I can’t wait for the next installment to see how things are going for Simone’s sister as a survivor. I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.


Sexy, Suspenseful, and Sweet

I'm not typically a cover person in that I hardly ever choose my reads based on what's on the front of a book. Something, though, about the cover for WILD CHILD by Audrey Carlan just called to me, and I found myself signing up to read a book that I thought might not actually resonate with me. I'm happy to say that this is not the case. From the cover and the description of the book, I thought that Simone might be too young, too flighty, too, well, too flaky, frankly, to keep my interest. As a woman of a certain age, the New Adult sub-genre doesn't always work for me. But what I found was a smart, quirky, wide open young woman, one that is pretty near impossible to dislike. What you see is what you get with Simone, which is true of the whole gaggle of sisters that Mama Kerri raised. She speaks her mind, she goes after what she wants, she just generally embraces life, with all of its ups and downs, with arms wide open. I am convinced that FBI Agent Jonah Fontaine had absolutely no clue what he was in for when he and Simone met. And, try as he might, there's just no resisting her, because the chemistry here is blazing. Laughter, heartbreak, suspense, passion, and an abundance of love make up the landscape of WILD CHILD. These characters have by no means had an easy time of things, and there is plenty of action keeping things bumping right along, and all of this together make this one book that I'm really glad that I took a chance on. Audrey Carlan has done such a great job with this book that I can't wait for the rest of the sisters (did I mention that there are lots of them?) to get their stories, too. Grab this one and enjoy. ❤️


good start but needs work

I am normally a sucker for a good romance but with this one, it feels like the writer is writing solely for the purpose of moving her story along. A lot of the things that happen are choppy and need more finessing. It’s a good start but I think it needs a little work.



This book has absolutely everything and shows you the power of determination, achieving your dreams, falling in love, and bonding with sisters of your heart. Each emotion pulling you in a word at a time and at the end of Simone and Jonah’s story you’ll never be the same again. You will embrace all life has to offer and truly connect with the wild child that resides in all of us. This story will leave you in the edge of your seat desperate for every detail and mourning when you read the very last word. Audrey Carlan crafts a beautiful story that connects sisters and what they overcome with one another and becomes stronger together. Absolutely brilliant start to a new series you will not want to put down!


Wild Child

I wasn’t expecting this, but I must say I enjoyed it. It grabbed my attention on the first couple of pages. It’s about sisterhood, looking out for each other, meeting a guy/falling in love with him when you least expect it and solving a crime. Interesting read and it took me ~2 hrs to finish it.


Wildly Captivating! ❤️❤️❤️

Wild Child is a phenomenal book that will captivate your attention from page one and have you turning every page to find out what happens next. Simone is such a loving and kindly wild young woman, struggling to find herself. She’s surrounded by her beautiful foster sisters, Mama Kerry and her own blood sister. Sisterhood as its best! Jonah is the hot FBI agent that you definitely would want to cross your path! Boy he’s dreamy but a broken soul hidden under a badge. Their connection is off the charts! The suspense on this book is spot on. Your heart will beat fast and feel tight with all the suspense that takes place. It’s just that good! I love this side of Audrey Carlan! She is a genius with her words. The crazy plots that she creates in that phenomenal head of hers is mind blowing! Wild Child is product of the beautiful creation. You will get to enjoy the fun, laughter, love, family and suspense all packed in one wildly captivating book! Hands down a must read! Thank you AC for giving us a beautiful escape from this crazy world right now! ❤️❤️❤️ Nanedsmomba- reviewer and blogger for Life Reads With Friends


A Suspenseful Romance

Audrey Carlan captives us again in a new series. Wild Child is the first in the Soul Sister series and I can’t wait until the next. After losing her parents in a terrible house fire when she was a young child, Simone and her sister were sent to a foster. Her foster mother raised 8 foster girls all on her own in a house full of love. But a bad day turns into a nightmare when she’s in the sights of a serial killer. Now she’s under the protection of the FBI agent who was there to protect her and get away from the serial killer. But now that Jonah has saved Simone both are the targets for this serial killer. Love at first sight! Or is it just a case of falling for her Savior? Follow the story of Wild Child Simone and her hero Jonah. Plus the added benefit of all of Simone’s eccentric sisters.


Romance that keeps you on your toes

I love Audrey’s writing! She has a way of interweaving romance, suspense and tragedy into phenomenal books. Simone and Jonah’s story is no exception and ranks in my favorites from her.
 Their story is full of ups and downs from the past and present. Simone is a wild child, ready to have things go right but that’s definitely not in her future when the book starts. Jonah is a busy FBI Agent working on a hard case that calls him to Simone. Add to their story 7 sisters, a foster mama, a broken brotherhood, and one serial killer you won’t be able to put this book down!


Wild Child is a wild ride! ❤️

Jonah is a divorced FBI agent. Simone is a struggling bartender/waitress/floral designer determined to maintain her independence. Their worlds collide with the search for a serial killer. Wild Child has all the makings of a great read: action, romance, heartbreak, and suspense. Loved the first of this series!


WILD CHILD is a must read!!

Wild Child is Audrey Carlan at her best! Returning to her roots of sisterhood, suspense, and a much earned HEA this story had me on the edge of my seat. Simone is an everyday woman struggling to find her place in the world. Jonah is a man with a job he loves but not much else. Two lost souls find each other when they need each other most... This story is book 1 in a series but I appreciated the fact that it was not overrun with info on the supporting characters. At the same time, the peeks of her foster sisters and their dynamic leave a ton of room open for more books!!

Jana love this

Best Romantic Suspense of 2020!

Wild Child is romantic suspense at its best and is the perfect escape to get lost in. From the first chapter you will be blown away and your heart will be beating wildly in your chest. Just wait until you meet the sexy, protective, can I please have all his babies - FBI agent Jonah Fontaine. He made me sweat as much as he made me swoon. As soon as he met Simone with her big personality and beautiful eyes that showed you her amazing soul, he was hooked and so was I. The way Jonah always had to keep her close and every time they touched it was electric. They grounded each other in the most beautiful way. This couple needed each other as much as they wanted each other and it was magnificent to watch them fall in love. Simone has a biological sister and foster sisters who are fantastic - her soul sisters and loving foster mama are her whole world. You will fall in love with each of them for different reasons. They would do anything for each other and it’s breathtaking to watch. I wanted to be their sister by choice too. With sisterhood like that, you know you’re never alone. You need to read this book for the hot FBI guys, the soul sisters, the pictures, the Ferris wheel, the books and the chase alone. Audrey Carlan this story is a perfect blend of everything I love about all your stories rolled into one. Wild Child will captivate you as you take this thrilling journey of heartache, forgiveness, hope, sacrifice, friendship, sisterhood and life changing love. Tracey, Life Reads With Friends


By far the best book of 2020!

Do you love a book that grabs your attention from the very first page? Do you love a book that is so unpredictable you just have to keep reading to see how it ends? This is one of those books. Be prepared to want to read this book in one sitting. This is a book you will want to devour whole. The main characters Simone and Jonah have such an amazing chemistry that is felt from the very start and at times they are sizzling to the point I checked to see if my kindle app was on fire. Did I mention Jonah is an FBI agent and an alpha male? Not only does he want to save Simone but he needs a bit of saving too. These two will leave you swooning and wanting more! Simone also has a group of sisters as she was in foster care. She has one biological sister and several other foster sisters. The bond that all the sisters share is just truly amazing and it is something I feel every woman needs! Soul sisters for the win!!! This book is heart pounding and heart stopping all at the same time. From the heart pounding suspense and not knowing what’s going to happen next to the heart stopping and skipping beats and stomach somersaults of Simone and Jonah’s connection, this book takes you on a ride. So buckle up, grab some tissues and maybe some popcorn. This is a book you do not want to miss. Absolutely hands down the best book of 2020 by far.



From the first page I was hooked! This was by far one of the most amazing stories I have read and it that leaves you wanting more. The story focuses on Simone and Jonah and the unconventional way they meet and the circumstances that keep them together. The love story that ensues is everything you would want in real life. I found myself completely engrossed and wishing that I was in fact one of the sisters in the story so that I could see everything first hand. The concept of sisterhood is completely heartwarming and I am hoping that this leads to a story for each of the amazing women introduced. You would be doing yourself a disservice by not reading this book. Kudos to Audrey Carlan for another amazing book!

Boating Mom

Bonds of love and sisterhood!

Audrey Carlan nailed it with this book! The chemistry, suspense, and family bonds make this book one of a kind! Simone and Jonah meet in a very unexpected way that was the icing on the cake after an absolutely horrible day for Simone. The events that take place after will have chills running down your spine. But the passion between Jonah and Simone will warm you right back up again. While the relationship between Jonah and Simone was more than enough to keep me flipping page after page, the bonds between Simone and her foster family was so heartwarming! The bonds of sisterhood are an amazing thing and I absolutely adored the unity between them all. While I love a great romance, this story gave me something even better. It filled my heart to overflowing! Thank you to Audrey Carlan for writing such an inspiring story!


Edge of your seat

I was so not expecting everything about this book. Yes, it's a romance, but there's so much more to it than that. There is family by chance. There is a deep, abiding mother's love. There is the bond of sisters by blood as well as sisters by chance. There is sorrow and suspense and drama and gut wrenching tragedy. And then there is the soul deep love that completes two souls and brings them together and able to survive anything. I laughed; I cried; and I can't wait for more of this amazing group. Ms. Carlan truly outdid herself with this book and has set the bar high.


Wild Child was WILD!

I am honored to take part in the release blitz for Audrey Carlan's newest release: "Wild Child"! Book 1 in her Soul Sister series! Audrey has outdone herself again! // "Wild Child" was WILD! Wildly exciting, suspenseful, romantic, and full of love for the sisterhood! // Simone and her seven foster sisters grew up together by circumstance but stayed together by choice, forming their own sisterhood with Mama Kerri heading up their matriarch. "Wild Child" focuses on Simone’s story, along with an introduction to the sisters of Kerrighan House. // Full-force action right from the start! I was pulled to the edge of my seat in a matter of moments, and now I think twice before taking off somewhere! More on that when you read the book, though, as I don't want to spoil anything! I loved how quickly I became immersed in the storyline and characters. I absolutely relished the Ferris Wheel scene; love love love! That fierce, bold connection between Simone and FBI Agent Jonah Fontaine was delicious! Their relationship was more than just instantaneous love; I could FEEL the real and raw emotion coming through the pages of my Kindle Paperwhite! // The thrilling murder mystery FBI hunt kept the action flowing from start to finish. Along those lines... I was in literal tears at a certain point; trust me, you will understand when you read it! That ending, though, I savored EVERY bit of it. A luscious conclusion to the love story and a bittersweet sisterly transition from book one leading up to book two. Add this romance to Simone's sisters and Jonah's brother in blue's intense loyalty, and you have a novel that 100% makes it into my top reads of 2020! // Another wonderful read that I'd recommend from rooftops by the brilliant Audrey Carlan! Many thanks to the author and Social Butterfly PR for my advanced complimentary copy of this title. I have honestly and voluntarily reviewed this title.

Downloaden Wild Child By Audrey Carlan Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

The newest sizzling romance from Audrey Carlan, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Calendar Girl series.

Twice my life changed in a single day.

The first was when I lost my parents. Hand in hand I walked with my big sister up the steps of Kerrighan House, a foster home for girls. We were lucky to be met with open arms and a house filled with children just like us. Children who’d lost everything. From that day forward, we were raised as one big family. Our bonds of sisterhood were strengthened through shared experience, pain, sacrifice, and love. Sisters not by blood, but by choice.

Soul sisters.

The second day my life changed was on the worst day of my adult life. My boyfriend broke up with me via text. My sleazy boss hit on me, forcing me to quit a job I desperately needed. And the cherry on top, was getting pulled over by an FBI Agent. Little did I know, he’d also save my life that night.

From the moment we met, Agent Fontaine wouldn’t dare let me out of his sight. And between his alpha ways, kind brown eyes, and heroism, I was lost to the man who hid behind his job. But this agent had a rule: never fall for a woman you’ve saved.

Yet I wasn’t just any woman. I was known among my sisters for taking risks and dreaming big. I was the wild child of the group. We were raised to appreciate every day as the gift it was, and not let anything stand in our way. The more I got to know the brooding, serious FBI man, the more I realized that maybe it was my duty to save him.



I loved this book

Love the book I read it in 2 days. I couldn’t put it down.


Couldn’t put it down

This book was absolutely amazing!!! I started it on a Saturday night and finished it the following day. The story pulled at my heart strings throughout. I felt for each one of these characters in different ways. It broke my heart when Tabitha made a selfless decision but I loved her so much for it. I can’t wait to read more about the sisters and what their futures hold.

Samantha B. Sokol


WHAT A WILD RIDE! This was my first read from Audrey and I really didn’t know what to expect but the suspense and guessing from this book kept me so enthralled that I am so excited for the next installment in this series and read this book so quickly! Simone grew up in a foster home full of other girls where they banded together as a family with the woman who raised them all. On the way home after a horrible day where she quit her job, she gets pulled over by a FBI agent Jonah and it turns out someone was hiding in the trunk of her car and after shooting at them he gets away. It turns out that the shooter is actually a notorious serial killer that the FBI has been hunting down. The initial chemistry and attraction between Jonah and Simone continues throughout the storyline and they decide to take the chance of following their feelings, but with a serial killer on the loose it gets personal quickly. After multiple bodies close to both Simone and Jonah taunting them and straining their budding relationship and a kidnapping on top of it all, it ends somewhat abruptly although full circle. This was a wild ride of a book and I can’t wait for the next installment to see how things are going for Simone’s sister as a survivor. I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.


Sexy, Suspenseful, and Sweet

I'm not typically a cover person in that I hardly ever choose my reads based on what's on the front of a book. Something, though, about the cover for WILD CHILD by Audrey Carlan just called to me, and I found myself signing up to read a book that I thought might not actually resonate with me. I'm happy to say that this is not the case. From the cover and the description of the book, I thought that Simone might be too young, too flighty, too, well, too flaky, frankly, to keep my interest. As a woman of a certain age, the New Adult sub-genre doesn't always work for me. But what I found was a smart, quirky, wide open young woman, one that is pretty near impossible to dislike. What you see is what you get with Simone, which is true of the whole gaggle of sisters that Mama Kerri raised. She speaks her mind, she goes after what she wants, she just generally embraces life, with all of its ups and downs, with arms wide open. I am convinced that FBI Agent Jonah Fontaine had absolutely no clue what he was in for when he and Simone met. And, try as he might, there's just no resisting her, because the chemistry here is blazing. Laughter, heartbreak, suspense, passion, and an abundance of love make up the landscape of WILD CHILD. These characters have by no means had an easy time of things, and there is plenty of action keeping things bumping right along, and all of this together make this one book that I'm really glad that I took a chance on. Audrey Carlan has done such a great job with this book that I can't wait for the rest of the sisters (did I mention that there are lots of them?) to get their stories, too. Grab this one and enjoy. ❤️


good start but needs work

I am normally a sucker for a good romance but with this one, it feels like the writer is writing solely for the purpose of moving her story along. A lot of the things that happen are choppy and need more finessing. It’s a good start but I think it needs a little work.



This book has absolutely everything and shows you the power of determination, achieving your dreams, falling in love, and bonding with sisters of your heart. Each emotion pulling you in a word at a time and at the end of Simone and Jonah’s story you’ll never be the same again. You will embrace all life has to offer and truly connect with the wild child that resides in all of us. This story will leave you in the edge of your seat desperate for every detail and mourning when you read the very last word. Audrey Carlan crafts a beautiful story that connects sisters and what they overcome with one another and becomes stronger together. Absolutely brilliant start to a new series you will not want to put down!


Wild Child

I wasn’t expecting this, but I must say I enjoyed it. It grabbed my attention on the first couple of pages. It’s about sisterhood, looking out for each other, meeting a guy/falling in love with him when you least expect it and solving a crime. Interesting read and it took me ~2 hrs to finish it.


Wildly Captivating! ❤️❤️❤️

Wild Child is a phenomenal book that will captivate your attention from page one and have you turning every page to find out what happens next. Simone is such a loving and kindly wild young woman, struggling to find herself. She’s surrounded by her beautiful foster sisters, Mama Kerry and her own blood sister. Sisterhood as its best! Jonah is the hot FBI agent that you definitely would want to cross your path! Boy he’s dreamy but a broken soul hidden under a badge. Their connection is off the charts! The suspense on this book is spot on. Your heart will beat fast and feel tight with all the suspense that takes place. It’s just that good! I love this side of Audrey Carlan! She is a genius with her words. The crazy plots that she creates in that phenomenal head of hers is mind blowing! Wild Child is product of the beautiful creation. You will get to enjoy the fun, laughter, love, family and suspense all packed in one wildly captivating book! Hands down a must read! Thank you AC for giving us a beautiful escape from this crazy world right now! ❤️❤️❤️ Nanedsmomba- reviewer and blogger for Life Reads With Friends


A Suspenseful Romance

Audrey Carlan captives us again in a new series. Wild Child is the first in the Soul Sister series and I can’t wait until the next. After losing her parents in a terrible house fire when she was a young child, Simone and her sister were sent to a foster. Her foster mother raised 8 foster girls all on her own in a house full of love. But a bad day turns into a nightmare when she’s in the sights of a serial killer. Now she’s under the protection of the FBI agent who was there to protect her and get away from the serial killer. But now that Jonah has saved Simone both are the targets for this serial killer. Love at first sight! Or is it just a case of falling for her Savior? Follow the story of Wild Child Simone and her hero Jonah. Plus the added benefit of all of Simone’s eccentric sisters.


Romance that keeps you on your toes

I love Audrey’s writing! She has a way of interweaving romance, suspense and tragedy into phenomenal books. Simone and Jonah’s story is no exception and ranks in my favorites from her.
 Their story is full of ups and downs from the past and present. Simone is a wild child, ready to have things go right but that’s definitely not in her future when the book starts. Jonah is a busy FBI Agent working on a hard case that calls him to Simone. Add to their story 7 sisters, a foster mama, a broken brotherhood, and one serial killer you won’t be able to put this book down!


Wild Child is a wild ride! ❤️

Jonah is a divorced FBI agent. Simone is a struggling bartender/waitress/floral designer determined to maintain her independence. Their worlds collide with the search for a serial killer. Wild Child has all the makings of a great read: action, romance, heartbreak, and suspense. Loved the first of this series!


WILD CHILD is a must read!!

Wild Child is Audrey Carlan at her best! Returning to her roots of sisterhood, suspense, and a much earned HEA this story had me on the edge of my seat. Simone is an everyday woman struggling to find her place in the world. Jonah is a man with a job he loves but not much else. Two lost souls find each other when they need each other most... This story is book 1 in a series but I appreciated the fact that it was not overrun with info on the supporting characters. At the same time, the peeks of her foster sisters and their dynamic leave a ton of room open for more books!!

Jana love this

Best Romantic Suspense of 2020!

Wild Child is romantic suspense at its best and is the perfect escape to get lost in. From the first chapter you will be blown away and your heart will be beating wildly in your chest. Just wait until you meet the sexy, protective, can I please have all his babies - FBI agent Jonah Fontaine. He made me sweat as much as he made me swoon. As soon as he met Simone with her big personality and beautiful eyes that showed you her amazing soul, he was hooked and so was I. The way Jonah always had to keep her close and every time they touched it was electric. They grounded each other in the most beautiful way. This couple needed each other as much as they wanted each other and it was magnificent to watch them fall in love. Simone has a biological sister and foster sisters who are fantastic - her soul sisters and loving foster mama are her whole world. You will fall in love with each of them for different reasons. They would do anything for each other and it’s breathtaking to watch. I wanted to be their sister by choice too. With sisterhood like that, you know you’re never alone. You need to read this book for the hot FBI guys, the soul sisters, the pictures, the Ferris wheel, the books and the chase alone. Audrey Carlan this story is a perfect blend of everything I love about all your stories rolled into one. Wild Child will captivate you as you take this thrilling journey of heartache, forgiveness, hope, sacrifice, friendship, sisterhood and life changing love. Tracey, Life Reads With Friends


By far the best book of 2020!

Do you love a book that grabs your attention from the very first page? Do you love a book that is so unpredictable you just have to keep reading to see how it ends? This is one of those books. Be prepared to want to read this book in one sitting. This is a book you will want to devour whole. The main characters Simone and Jonah have such an amazing chemistry that is felt from the very start and at times they are sizzling to the point I checked to see if my kindle app was on fire. Did I mention Jonah is an FBI agent and an alpha male? Not only does he want to save Simone but he needs a bit of saving too. These two will leave you swooning and wanting more! Simone also has a group of sisters as she was in foster care. She has one biological sister and several other foster sisters. The bond that all the sisters share is just truly amazing and it is something I feel every woman needs! Soul sisters for the win!!! This book is heart pounding and heart stopping all at the same time. From the heart pounding suspense and not knowing what’s going to happen next to the heart stopping and skipping beats and stomach somersaults of Simone and Jonah’s connection, this book takes you on a ride. So buckle up, grab some tissues and maybe some popcorn. This is a book you do not want to miss. Absolutely hands down the best book of 2020 by far.



From the first page I was hooked! This was by far one of the most amazing stories I have read and it that leaves you wanting more. The story focuses on Simone and Jonah and the unconventional way they meet and the circumstances that keep them together. The love story that ensues is everything you would want in real life. I found myself completely engrossed and wishing that I was in fact one of the sisters in the story so that I could see everything first hand. The concept of sisterhood is completely heartwarming and I am hoping that this leads to a story for each of the amazing women introduced. You would be doing yourself a disservice by not reading this book. Kudos to Audrey Carlan for another amazing book!

Boating Mom

Bonds of love and sisterhood!

Audrey Carlan nailed it with this book! The chemistry, suspense, and family bonds make this book one of a kind! Simone and Jonah meet in a very unexpected way that was the icing on the cake after an absolutely horrible day for Simone. The events that take place after will have chills running down your spine. But the passion between Jonah and Simone will warm you right back up again. While the relationship between Jonah and Simone was more than enough to keep me flipping page after page, the bonds between Simone and her foster family was so heartwarming! The bonds of sisterhood are an amazing thing and I absolutely adored the unity between them all. While I love a great romance, this story gave me something even better. It filled my heart to overflowing! Thank you to Audrey Carlan for writing such an inspiring story!


Edge of your seat

I was so not expecting everything about this book. Yes, it's a romance, but there's so much more to it than that. There is family by chance. There is a deep, abiding mother's love. There is the bond of sisters by blood as well as sisters by chance. There is sorrow and suspense and drama and gut wrenching tragedy. And then there is the soul deep love that completes two souls and brings them together and able to survive anything. I laughed; I cried; and I can't wait for more of this amazing group. Ms. Carlan truly outdid herself with this book and has set the bar high.


Wild Child was WILD!

I am honored to take part in the release blitz for Audrey Carlan's newest release: "Wild Child"! Book 1 in her Soul Sister series! Audrey has outdone herself again! // "Wild Child" was WILD! Wildly exciting, suspenseful, romantic, and full of love for the sisterhood! // Simone and her seven foster sisters grew up together by circumstance but stayed together by choice, forming their own sisterhood with Mama Kerri heading up their matriarch. "Wild Child" focuses on Simone’s story, along with an introduction to the sisters of Kerrighan House. // Full-force action right from the start! I was pulled to the edge of my seat in a matter of moments, and now I think twice before taking off somewhere! More on that when you read the book, though, as I don't want to spoil anything! I loved how quickly I became immersed in the storyline and characters. I absolutely relished the Ferris Wheel scene; love love love! That fierce, bold connection between Simone and FBI Agent Jonah Fontaine was delicious! Their relationship was more than just instantaneous love; I could FEEL the real and raw emotion coming through the pages of my Kindle Paperwhite! // The thrilling murder mystery FBI hunt kept the action flowing from start to finish. Along those lines... I was in literal tears at a certain point; trust me, you will understand when you read it! That ending, though, I savored EVERY bit of it. A luscious conclusion to the love story and a bittersweet sisterly transition from book one leading up to book two. Add this romance to Simone's sisters and Jonah's brother in blue's intense loyalty, and you have a novel that 100% makes it into my top reads of 2020! // Another wonderful read that I'd recommend from rooftops by the brilliant Audrey Carlan! Many thanks to the author and Social Butterfly PR for my advanced complimentary copy of this title. I have honestly and voluntarily reviewed this title.

Downloaden Wild Child By Audrey Carlan Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

The newest sizzling romance from Audrey Carlan, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Calendar Girl series.

Twice my life changed in a single day.

The first was when I lost my parents. Hand in hand I walked with my big sister up the steps of Kerrighan House, a foster home for girls. We were lucky to be met with open arms and a house filled with children just like us. Children who’d lost everything. From that day forward, we were raised as one big family. Our bonds of sisterhood were strengthened through shared experience, pain, sacrifice, and love. Sisters not by blood, but by choice.

Soul sisters.

The second day my life changed was on the worst day of my adult life. My boyfriend broke up with me via text. My sleazy boss hit on me, forcing me to quit a job I desperately needed. And the cherry on top, was getting pulled over by an FBI Agent. Little did I know, he’d also save my life that night.

From the moment we met, Agent Fontaine wouldn’t dare let me out of his sight. And between his alpha ways, kind brown eyes, and heroism, I was lost to the man who hid behind his job. But this agent had a rule: never fall for a woman you’ve saved.

Yet I wasn’t just any woman. I was known among my sisters for taking risks and dreaming big. I was the wild child of the group. We were raised to appreciate every day as the gift it was, and not let anything stand in our way. The more I got to know the brooding, serious FBI man, the more I realized that maybe it was my duty to save him.



I loved this book

Love the book I read it in 2 days. I couldn’t put it down.


Couldn’t put it down

This book was absolutely amazing!!! I started it on a Saturday night and finished it the following day. The story pulled at my heart strings throughout. I felt for each one of these characters in different ways. It broke my heart when Tabitha made a selfless decision but I loved her so much for it. I can’t wait to read more about the sisters and what their futures hold.

Samantha B. Sokol


WHAT A WILD RIDE! This was my first read from Audrey and I really didn’t know what to expect but the suspense and guessing from this book kept me so enthralled that I am so excited for the next installment in this series and read this book so quickly! Simone grew up in a foster home full of other girls where they banded together as a family with the woman who raised them all. On the way home after a horrible day where she quit her job, she gets pulled over by a FBI agent Jonah and it turns out someone was hiding in the trunk of her car and after shooting at them he gets away. It turns out that the shooter is actually a notorious serial killer that the FBI has been hunting down. The initial chemistry and attraction between Jonah and Simone continues throughout the storyline and they decide to take the chance of following their feelings, but with a serial killer on the loose it gets personal quickly. After multiple bodies close to both Simone and Jonah taunting them and straining their budding relationship and a kidnapping on top of it all, it ends somewhat abruptly although full circle. This was a wild ride of a book and I can’t wait for the next installment to see how things are going for Simone’s sister as a survivor. I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.


Sexy, Suspenseful, and Sweet

I'm not typically a cover person in that I hardly ever choose my reads based on what's on the front of a book. Something, though, about the cover for WILD CHILD by Audrey Carlan just called to me, and I found myself signing up to read a book that I thought might not actually resonate with me. I'm happy to say that this is not the case. From the cover and the description of the book, I thought that Simone might be too young, too flighty, too, well, too flaky, frankly, to keep my interest. As a woman of a certain age, the New Adult sub-genre doesn't always work for me. But what I found was a smart, quirky, wide open young woman, one that is pretty near impossible to dislike. What you see is what you get with Simone, which is true of the whole gaggle of sisters that Mama Kerri raised. She speaks her mind, she goes after what she wants, she just generally embraces life, with all of its ups and downs, with arms wide open. I am convinced that FBI Agent Jonah Fontaine had absolutely no clue what he was in for when he and Simone met. And, try as he might, there's just no resisting her, because the chemistry here is blazing. Laughter, heartbreak, suspense, passion, and an abundance of love make up the landscape of WILD CHILD. These characters have by no means had an easy time of things, and there is plenty of action keeping things bumping right along, and all of this together make this one book that I'm really glad that I took a chance on. Audrey Carlan has done such a great job with this book that I can't wait for the rest of the sisters (did I mention that there are lots of them?) to get their stories, too. Grab this one and enjoy. ❤️


good start but needs work

I am normally a sucker for a good romance but with this one, it feels like the writer is writing solely for the purpose of moving her story along. A lot of the things that happen are choppy and need more finessing. It’s a good start but I think it needs a little work.



This book has absolutely everything and shows you the power of determination, achieving your dreams, falling in love, and bonding with sisters of your heart. Each emotion pulling you in a word at a time and at the end of Simone and Jonah’s story you’ll never be the same again. You will embrace all life has to offer and truly connect with the wild child that resides in all of us. This story will leave you in the edge of your seat desperate for every detail and mourning when you read the very last word. Audrey Carlan crafts a beautiful story that connects sisters and what they overcome with one another and becomes stronger together. Absolutely brilliant start to a new series you will not want to put down!


Wild Child

I wasn’t expecting this, but I must say I enjoyed it. It grabbed my attention on the first couple of pages. It’s about sisterhood, looking out for each other, meeting a guy/falling in love with him when you least expect it and solving a crime. Interesting read and it took me ~2 hrs to finish it.


Wildly Captivating! ❤️❤️❤️

Wild Child is a phenomenal book that will captivate your attention from page one and have you turning every page to find out what happens next. Simone is such a loving and kindly wild young woman, struggling to find herself. She’s surrounded by her beautiful foster sisters, Mama Kerry and her own blood sister. Sisterhood as its best! Jonah is the hot FBI agent that you definitely would want to cross your path! Boy he’s dreamy but a broken soul hidden under a badge. Their connection is off the charts! The suspense on this book is spot on. Your heart will beat fast and feel tight with all the suspense that takes place. It’s just that good! I love this side of Audrey Carlan! She is a genius with her words. The crazy plots that she creates in that phenomenal head of hers is mind blowing! Wild Child is product of the beautiful creation. You will get to enjoy the fun, laughter, love, family and suspense all packed in one wildly captivating book! Hands down a must read! Thank you AC for giving us a beautiful escape from this crazy world right now! ❤️❤️❤️ Nanedsmomba- reviewer and blogger for Life Reads With Friends


A Suspenseful Romance

Audrey Carlan captives us again in a new series. Wild Child is the first in the Soul Sister series and I can’t wait until the next. After losing her parents in a terrible house fire when she was a young child, Simone and her sister were sent to a foster. Her foster mother raised 8 foster girls all on her own in a house full of love. But a bad day turns into a nightmare when she’s in the sights of a serial killer. Now she’s under the protection of the FBI agent who was there to protect her and get away from the serial killer. But now that Jonah has saved Simone both are the targets for this serial killer. Love at first sight! Or is it just a case of falling for her Savior? Follow the story of Wild Child Simone and her hero Jonah. Plus the added benefit of all of Simone’s eccentric sisters.


Romance that keeps you on your toes

I love Audrey’s writing! She has a way of interweaving romance, suspense and tragedy into phenomenal books. Simone and Jonah’s story is no exception and ranks in my favorites from her.
 Their story is full of ups and downs from the past and present. Simone is a wild child, ready to have things go right but that’s definitely not in her future when the book starts. Jonah is a busy FBI Agent working on a hard case that calls him to Simone. Add to their story 7 sisters, a foster mama, a broken brotherhood, and one serial killer you won’t be able to put this book down!


Wild Child is a wild ride! ❤️

Jonah is a divorced FBI agent. Simone is a struggling bartender/waitress/floral designer determined to maintain her independence. Their worlds collide with the search for a serial killer. Wild Child has all the makings of a great read: action, romance, heartbreak, and suspense. Loved the first of this series!


WILD CHILD is a must read!!

Wild Child is Audrey Carlan at her best! Returning to her roots of sisterhood, suspense, and a much earned HEA this story had me on the edge of my seat. Simone is an everyday woman struggling to find her place in the world. Jonah is a man with a job he loves but not much else. Two lost souls find each other when they need each other most... This story is book 1 in a series but I appreciated the fact that it was not overrun with info on the supporting characters. At the same time, the peeks of her foster sisters and their dynamic leave a ton of room open for more books!!

Jana love this

Best Romantic Suspense of 2020!

Wild Child is romantic suspense at its best and is the perfect escape to get lost in. From the first chapter you will be blown away and your heart will be beating wildly in your chest. Just wait until you meet the sexy, protective, can I please have all his babies - FBI agent Jonah Fontaine. He made me sweat as much as he made me swoon. As soon as he met Simone with her big personality and beautiful eyes that showed you her amazing soul, he was hooked and so was I. The way Jonah always had to keep her close and every time they touched it was electric. They grounded each other in the most beautiful way. This couple needed each other as much as they wanted each other and it was magnificent to watch them fall in love. Simone has a biological sister and foster sisters who are fantastic - her soul sisters and loving foster mama are her whole world. You will fall in love with each of them for different reasons. They would do anything for each other and it’s breathtaking to watch. I wanted to be their sister by choice too. With sisterhood like that, you know you’re never alone. You need to read this book for the hot FBI guys, the soul sisters, the pictures, the Ferris wheel, the books and the chase alone. Audrey Carlan this story is a perfect blend of everything I love about all your stories rolled into one. Wild Child will captivate you as you take this thrilling journey of heartache, forgiveness, hope, sacrifice, friendship, sisterhood and life changing love. Tracey, Life Reads With Friends


By far the best book of 2020!

Do you love a book that grabs your attention from the very first page? Do you love a book that is so unpredictable you just have to keep reading to see how it ends? This is one of those books. Be prepared to want to read this book in one sitting. This is a book you will want to devour whole. The main characters Simone and Jonah have such an amazing chemistry that is felt from the very start and at times they are sizzling to the point I checked to see if my kindle app was on fire. Did I mention Jonah is an FBI agent and an alpha male? Not only does he want to save Simone but he needs a bit of saving too. These two will leave you swooning and wanting more! Simone also has a group of sisters as she was in foster care. She has one biological sister and several other foster sisters. The bond that all the sisters share is just truly amazing and it is something I feel every woman needs! Soul sisters for the win!!! This book is heart pounding and heart stopping all at the same time. From the heart pounding suspense and not knowing what’s going to happen next to the heart stopping and skipping beats and stomach somersaults of Simone and Jonah’s connection, this book takes you on a ride. So buckle up, grab some tissues and maybe some popcorn. This is a book you do not want to miss. Absolutely hands down the best book of 2020 by far.



From the first page I was hooked! This was by far one of the most amazing stories I have read and it that leaves you wanting more. The story focuses on Simone and Jonah and the unconventional way they meet and the circumstances that keep them together. The love story that ensues is everything you would want in real life. I found myself completely engrossed and wishing that I was in fact one of the sisters in the story so that I could see everything first hand. The concept of sisterhood is completely heartwarming and I am hoping that this leads to a story for each of the amazing women introduced. You would be doing yourself a disservice by not reading this book. Kudos to Audrey Carlan for another amazing book!

Boating Mom

Bonds of love and sisterhood!

Audrey Carlan nailed it with this book! The chemistry, suspense, and family bonds make this book one of a kind! Simone and Jonah meet in a very unexpected way that was the icing on the cake after an absolutely horrible day for Simone. The events that take place after will have chills running down your spine. But the passion between Jonah and Simone will warm you right back up again. While the relationship between Jonah and Simone was more than enough to keep me flipping page after page, the bonds between Simone and her foster family was so heartwarming! The bonds of sisterhood are an amazing thing and I absolutely adored the unity between them all. While I love a great romance, this story gave me something even better. It filled my heart to overflowing! Thank you to Audrey Carlan for writing such an inspiring story!


Edge of your seat

I was so not expecting everything about this book. Yes, it's a romance, but there's so much more to it than that. There is family by chance. There is a deep, abiding mother's love. There is the bond of sisters by blood as well as sisters by chance. There is sorrow and suspense and drama and gut wrenching tragedy. And then there is the soul deep love that completes two souls and brings them together and able to survive anything. I laughed; I cried; and I can't wait for more of this amazing group. Ms. Carlan truly outdid herself with this book and has set the bar high.


Wild Child was WILD!

I am honored to take part in the release blitz for Audrey Carlan's newest release: "Wild Child"! Book 1 in her Soul Sister series! Audrey has outdone herself again! // "Wild Child" was WILD! Wildly exciting, suspenseful, romantic, and full of love for the sisterhood! // Simone and her seven foster sisters grew up together by circumstance but stayed together by choice, forming their own sisterhood with Mama Kerri heading up their matriarch. "Wild Child" focuses on Simone’s story, along with an introduction to the sisters of Kerrighan House. // Full-force action right from the start! I was pulled to the edge of my seat in a matter of moments, and now I think twice before taking off somewhere! More on that when you read the book, though, as I don't want to spoil anything! I loved how quickly I became immersed in the storyline and characters. I absolutely relished the Ferris Wheel scene; love love love! That fierce, bold connection between Simone and FBI Agent Jonah Fontaine was delicious! Their relationship was more than just instantaneous love; I could FEEL the real and raw emotion coming through the pages of my Kindle Paperwhite! // The thrilling murder mystery FBI hunt kept the action flowing from start to finish. Along those lines... I was in literal tears at a certain point; trust me, you will understand when you read it! That ending, though, I savored EVERY bit of it. A luscious conclusion to the love story and a bittersweet sisterly transition from book one leading up to book two. Add this romance to Simone's sisters and Jonah's brother in blue's intense loyalty, and you have a novel that 100% makes it into my top reads of 2020! // Another wonderful read that I'd recommend from rooftops by the brilliant Audrey Carlan! Many thanks to the author and Social Butterfly PR for my advanced complimentary copy of this title. I have honestly and voluntarily reviewed this title.

Downloaden Wild Child By Audrey Carlan Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

The newest sizzling romance from Audrey Carlan, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Calendar Girl series.

Twice my life changed in a single day.

The first was when I lost my parents. Hand in hand I walked with my big sister up the steps of Kerrighan House, a foster home for girls. We were lucky to be met with open arms and a house filled with children just like us. Children who’d lost everything. From that day forward, we were raised as one big family. Our bonds of sisterhood were strengthened through shared experience, pain, sacrifice, and love. Sisters not by blood, but by choice.

Soul sisters.

The second day my life changed was on the worst day of my adult life. My boyfriend broke up with me via text. My sleazy boss hit on me, forcing me to quit a job I desperately needed. And the cherry on top, was getting pulled over by an FBI Agent. Little did I know, he’d also save my life that night.

From the moment we met, Agent Fontaine wouldn’t dare let me out of his sight. And between his alpha ways, kind brown eyes, and heroism, I was lost to the man who hid behind his job. But this agent had a rule: never fall for a woman you’ve saved.

Yet I wasn’t just any woman. I was known among my sisters for taking risks and dreaming big. I was the wild child of the group. We were raised to appreciate every day as the gift it was, and not let anything stand in our way. The more I got to know the brooding, serious FBI man, the more I realized that maybe it was my duty to save him.



I loved this book

Love the book I read it in 2 days. I couldn’t put it down.


Couldn’t put it down

This book was absolutely amazing!!! I started it on a Saturday night and finished it the following day. The story pulled at my heart strings throughout. I felt for each one of these characters in different ways. It broke my heart when Tabitha made a selfless decision but I loved her so much for it. I can’t wait to read more about the sisters and what their futures hold.

Samantha B. Sokol


WHAT A WILD RIDE! This was my first read from Audrey and I really didn’t know what to expect but the suspense and guessing from this book kept me so enthralled that I am so excited for the next installment in this series and read this book so quickly! Simone grew up in a foster home full of other girls where they banded together as a family with the woman who raised them all. On the way home after a horrible day where she quit her job, she gets pulled over by a FBI agent Jonah and it turns out someone was hiding in the trunk of her car and after shooting at them he gets away. It turns out that the shooter is actually a notorious serial killer that the FBI has been hunting down. The initial chemistry and attraction between Jonah and Simone continues throughout the storyline and they decide to take the chance of following their feelings, but with a serial killer on the loose it gets personal quickly. After multiple bodies close to both Simone and Jonah taunting them and straining their budding relationship and a kidnapping on top of it all, it ends somewhat abruptly although full circle. This was a wild ride of a book and I can’t wait for the next installment to see how things are going for Simone’s sister as a survivor. I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.


Sexy, Suspenseful, and Sweet

I'm not typically a cover person in that I hardly ever choose my reads based on what's on the front of a book. Something, though, about the cover for WILD CHILD by Audrey Carlan just called to me, and I found myself signing up to read a book that I thought might not actually resonate with me. I'm happy to say that this is not the case. From the cover and the description of the book, I thought that Simone might be too young, too flighty, too, well, too flaky, frankly, to keep my interest. As a woman of a certain age, the New Adult sub-genre doesn't always work for me. But what I found was a smart, quirky, wide open young woman, one that is pretty near impossible to dislike. What you see is what you get with Simone, which is true of the whole gaggle of sisters that Mama Kerri raised. She speaks her mind, she goes after what she wants, she just generally embraces life, with all of its ups and downs, with arms wide open. I am convinced that FBI Agent Jonah Fontaine had absolutely no clue what he was in for when he and Simone met. And, try as he might, there's just no resisting her, because the chemistry here is blazing. Laughter, heartbreak, suspense, passion, and an abundance of love make up the landscape of WILD CHILD. These characters have by no means had an easy time of things, and there is plenty of action keeping things bumping right along, and all of this together make this one book that I'm really glad that I took a chance on. Audrey Carlan has done such a great job with this book that I can't wait for the rest of the sisters (did I mention that there are lots of them?) to get their stories, too. Grab this one and enjoy. ❤️


good start but needs work

I am normally a sucker for a good romance but with this one, it feels like the writer is writing solely for the purpose of moving her story along. A lot of the things that happen are choppy and need more finessing. It’s a good start but I think it needs a little work.



This book has absolutely everything and shows you the power of determination, achieving your dreams, falling in love, and bonding with sisters of your heart. Each emotion pulling you in a word at a time and at the end of Simone and Jonah’s story you’ll never be the same again. You will embrace all life has to offer and truly connect with the wild child that resides in all of us. This story will leave you in the edge of your seat desperate for every detail and mourning when you read the very last word. Audrey Carlan crafts a beautiful story that connects sisters and what they overcome with one another and becomes stronger together. Absolutely brilliant start to a new series you will not want to put down!


Wild Child

I wasn’t expecting this, but I must say I enjoyed it. It grabbed my attention on the first couple of pages. It’s about sisterhood, looking out for each other, meeting a guy/falling in love with him when you least expect it and solving a crime. Interesting read and it took me ~2 hrs to finish it.


Wildly Captivating! ❤️❤️❤️

Wild Child is a phenomenal book that will captivate your attention from page one and have you turning every page to find out what happens next. Simone is such a loving and kindly wild young woman, struggling to find herself. She’s surrounded by her beautiful foster sisters, Mama Kerry and her own blood sister. Sisterhood as its best! Jonah is the hot FBI agent that you definitely would want to cross your path! Boy he’s dreamy but a broken soul hidden under a badge. Their connection is off the charts! The suspense on this book is spot on. Your heart will beat fast and feel tight with all the suspense that takes place. It’s just that good! I love this side of Audrey Carlan! She is a genius with her words. The crazy plots that she creates in that phenomenal head of hers is mind blowing! Wild Child is product of the beautiful creation. You will get to enjoy the fun, laughter, love, family and suspense all packed in one wildly captivating book! Hands down a must read! Thank you AC for giving us a beautiful escape from this crazy world right now! ❤️❤️❤️ Nanedsmomba- reviewer and blogger for Life Reads With Friends


A Suspenseful Romance

Audrey Carlan captives us again in a new series. Wild Child is the first in the Soul Sister series and I can’t wait until the next. After losing her parents in a terrible house fire when she was a young child, Simone and her sister were sent to a foster. Her foster mother raised 8 foster girls all on her own in a house full of love. But a bad day turns into a nightmare when she’s in the sights of a serial killer. Now she’s under the protection of the FBI agent who was there to protect her and get away from the serial killer. But now that Jonah has saved Simone both are the targets for this serial killer. Love at first sight! Or is it just a case of falling for her Savior? Follow the story of Wild Child Simone and her hero Jonah. Plus the added benefit of all of Simone’s eccentric sisters.


Romance that keeps you on your toes

I love Audrey’s writing! She has a way of interweaving romance, suspense and tragedy into phenomenal books. Simone and Jonah’s story is no exception and ranks in my favorites from her.
 Their story is full of ups and downs from the past and present. Simone is a wild child, ready to have things go right but that’s definitely not in her future when the book starts. Jonah is a busy FBI Agent working on a hard case that calls him to Simone. Add to their story 7 sisters, a foster mama, a broken brotherhood, and one serial killer you won’t be able to put this book down!


Wild Child is a wild ride! ❤️

Jonah is a divorced FBI agent. Simone is a struggling bartender/waitress/floral designer determined to maintain her independence. Their worlds collide with the search for a serial killer. Wild Child has all the makings of a great read: action, romance, heartbreak, and suspense. Loved the first of this series!


WILD CHILD is a must read!!

Wild Child is Audrey Carlan at her best! Returning to her roots of sisterhood, suspense, and a much earned HEA this story had me on the edge of my seat. Simone is an everyday woman struggling to find her place in the world. Jonah is a man with a job he loves but not much else. Two lost souls find each other when they need each other most... This story is book 1 in a series but I appreciated the fact that it was not overrun with info on the supporting characters. At the same time, the peeks of her foster sisters and their dynamic leave a ton of room open for more books!!

Jana love this

Best Romantic Suspense of 2020!

Wild Child is romantic suspense at its best and is the perfect escape to get lost in. From the first chapter you will be blown away and your heart will be beating wildly in your chest. Just wait until you meet the sexy, protective, can I please have all his babies - FBI agent Jonah Fontaine. He made me sweat as much as he made me swoon. As soon as he met Simone with her big personality and beautiful eyes that showed you her amazing soul, he was hooked and so was I. The way Jonah always had to keep her close and every time they touched it was electric. They grounded each other in the most beautiful way. This couple needed each other as much as they wanted each other and it was magnificent to watch them fall in love. Simone has a biological sister and foster sisters who are fantastic - her soul sisters and loving foster mama are her whole world. You will fall in love with each of them for different reasons. They would do anything for each other and it’s breathtaking to watch. I wanted to be their sister by choice too. With sisterhood like that, you know you’re never alone. You need to read this book for the hot FBI guys, the soul sisters, the pictures, the Ferris wheel, the books and the chase alone. Audrey Carlan this story is a perfect blend of everything I love about all your stories rolled into one. Wild Child will captivate you as you take this thrilling journey of heartache, forgiveness, hope, sacrifice, friendship, sisterhood and life changing love. Tracey, Life Reads With Friends


By far the best book of 2020!

Do you love a book that grabs your attention from the very first page? Do you love a book that is so unpredictable you just have to keep reading to see how it ends? This is one of those books. Be prepared to want to read this book in one sitting. This is a book you will want to devour whole. The main characters Simone and Jonah have such an amazing chemistry that is felt from the very start and at times they are sizzling to the point I checked to see if my kindle app was on fire. Did I mention Jonah is an FBI agent and an alpha male? Not only does he want to save Simone but he needs a bit of saving too. These two will leave you swooning and wanting more! Simone also has a group of sisters as she was in foster care. She has one biological sister and several other foster sisters. The bond that all the sisters share is just truly amazing and it is something I feel every woman needs! Soul sisters for the win!!! This book is heart pounding and heart stopping all at the same time. From the heart pounding suspense and not knowing what’s going to happen next to the heart stopping and skipping beats and stomach somersaults of Simone and Jonah’s connection, this book takes you on a ride. So buckle up, grab some tissues and maybe some popcorn. This is a book you do not want to miss. Absolutely hands down the best book of 2020 by far.



From the first page I was hooked! This was by far one of the most amazing stories I have read and it that leaves you wanting more. The story focuses on Simone and Jonah and the unconventional way they meet and the circumstances that keep them together. The love story that ensues is everything you would want in real life. I found myself completely engrossed and wishing that I was in fact one of the sisters in the story so that I could see everything first hand. The concept of sisterhood is completely heartwarming and I am hoping that this leads to a story for each of the amazing women introduced. You would be doing yourself a disservice by not reading this book. Kudos to Audrey Carlan for another amazing book!

Boating Mom

Bonds of love and sisterhood!

Audrey Carlan nailed it with this book! The chemistry, suspense, and family bonds make this book one of a kind! Simone and Jonah meet in a very unexpected way that was the icing on the cake after an absolutely horrible day for Simone. The events that take place after will have chills running down your spine. But the passion between Jonah and Simone will warm you right back up again. While the relationship between Jonah and Simone was more than enough to keep me flipping page after page, the bonds between Simone and her foster family was so heartwarming! The bonds of sisterhood are an amazing thing and I absolutely adored the unity between them all. While I love a great romance, this story gave me something even better. It filled my heart to overflowing! Thank you to Audrey Carlan for writing such an inspiring story!


Edge of your seat

I was so not expecting everything about this book. Yes, it's a romance, but there's so much more to it than that. There is family by chance. There is a deep, abiding mother's love. There is the bond of sisters by blood as well as sisters by chance. There is sorrow and suspense and drama and gut wrenching tragedy. And then there is the soul deep love that completes two souls and brings them together and able to survive anything. I laughed; I cried; and I can't wait for more of this amazing group. Ms. Carlan truly outdid herself with this book and has set the bar high.


Wild Child was WILD!

I am honored to take part in the release blitz for Audrey Carlan's newest release: "Wild Child"! Book 1 in her Soul Sister series! Audrey has outdone herself again! // "Wild Child" was WILD! Wildly exciting, suspenseful, romantic, and full of love for the sisterhood! // Simone and her seven foster sisters grew up together by circumstance but stayed together by choice, forming their own sisterhood with Mama Kerri heading up their matriarch. "Wild Child" focuses on Simone’s story, along with an introduction to the sisters of Kerrighan House. // Full-force action right from the start! I was pulled to the edge of my seat in a matter of moments, and now I think twice before taking off somewhere! More on that when you read the book, though, as I don't want to spoil anything! I loved how quickly I became immersed in the storyline and characters. I absolutely relished the Ferris Wheel scene; love love love! That fierce, bold connection between Simone and FBI Agent Jonah Fontaine was delicious! Their relationship was more than just instantaneous love; I could FEEL the real and raw emotion coming through the pages of my Kindle Paperwhite! // The thrilling murder mystery FBI hunt kept the action flowing from start to finish. Along those lines... I was in literal tears at a certain point; trust me, you will understand when you read it! That ending, though, I savored EVERY bit of it. A luscious conclusion to the love story and a bittersweet sisterly transition from book one leading up to book two. Add this romance to Simone's sisters and Jonah's brother in blue's intense loyalty, and you have a novel that 100% makes it into my top reads of 2020! // Another wonderful read that I'd recommend from rooftops by the brilliant Audrey Carlan! Many thanks to the author and Social Butterfly PR for my advanced complimentary copy of this title. I have honestly and voluntarily reviewed this title.

Downloaden Wild Child By Audrey Carlan Pdf Ebook

Genre : Contemporary ,Books ,Romance

The newest sizzling romance from Audrey Carlan, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Calendar Girl series.

Twice my life changed in a single day.

The first was when I lost my parents. Hand in hand I walked with my big sister up the steps of Kerrighan House, a foster home for girls. We were lucky to be met with open arms and a house filled with children just like us. Children who’d lost everything. From that day forward, we were raised as one big family. Our bonds of sisterhood were strengthened through shared experience, pain, sacrifice, and love. Sisters not by blood, but by choice.

Soul sisters.

The second day my life changed was on the worst day of my adult life. My boyfriend broke up with me via text. My sleazy boss hit on me, forcing me to quit a job I desperately needed. And the cherry on top, was getting pulled over by an FBI Agent. Little did I know, he’d also save my life that night.

From the moment we met, Agent Fontaine wouldn’t dare let me out of his sight. And between his alpha ways, kind brown eyes, and heroism, I was lost to the man who hid behind his job. But this agent had a rule: never fall for a woman you’ve saved.

Yet I wasn’t just any woman. I was known among my sisters for taking risks and dreaming big. I was the wild child of the group. We were raised to appreciate every day as the gift it was, and not let anything stand in our way. The more I got to know the brooding, serious FBI man, the more I realized that maybe it was my duty to save him.



I loved this book

Love the book I read it in 2 days. I couldn’t put it down.


Couldn’t put it down

This book was absolutely amazing!!! I started it on a Saturday night and finished it the following day. The story pulled at my heart strings throughout. I felt for each one of these characters in different ways. It broke my heart when Tabitha made a selfless decision but I loved her so much for it. I can’t wait to read more about the sisters and what their futures hold.

Samantha B. Sokol


WHAT A WILD RIDE! This was my first read from Audrey and I really didn’t know what to expect but the suspense and guessing from this book kept me so enthralled that I am so excited for the next installment in this series and read this book so quickly! Simone grew up in a foster home full of other girls where they banded together as a family with the woman who raised them all. On the way home after a horrible day where she quit her job, she gets pulled over by a FBI agent Jonah and it turns out someone was hiding in the trunk of her car and after shooting at them he gets away. It turns out that the shooter is actually a notorious serial killer that the FBI has been hunting down. The initial chemistry and attraction between Jonah and Simone continues throughout the storyline and they decide to take the chance of following their feelings, but with a serial killer on the loose it gets personal quickly. After multiple bodies close to both Simone and Jonah taunting them and straining their budding relationship and a kidnapping on top of it all, it ends somewhat abruptly although full circle. This was a wild ride of a book and I can’t wait for the next installment to see how things are going for Simone’s sister as a survivor. I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.


Sexy, Suspenseful, and Sweet

I'm not typically a cover person in that I hardly ever choose my reads based on what's on the front of a book. Something, though, about the cover for WILD CHILD by Audrey Carlan just called to me, and I found myself signing up to read a book that I thought might not actually resonate with me. I'm happy to say that this is not the case. From the cover and the description of the book, I thought that Simone might be too young, too flighty, too, well, too flaky, frankly, to keep my interest. As a woman of a certain age, the New Adult sub-genre doesn't always work for me. But what I found was a smart, quirky, wide open young woman, one that is pretty near impossible to dislike. What you see is what you get with Simone, which is true of the whole gaggle of sisters that Mama Kerri raised. She speaks her mind, she goes after what she wants, she just generally embraces life, with all of its ups and downs, with arms wide open. I am convinced that FBI Agent Jonah Fontaine had absolutely no clue what he was in for when he and Simone met. And, try as he might, there's just no resisting her, because the chemistry here is blazing. Laughter, heartbreak, suspense, passion, and an abundance of love make up the landscape of WILD CHILD. These characters have by no means had an easy time of things, and there is plenty of action keeping things bumping right along, and all of this together make this one book that I'm really glad that I took a chance on. Audrey Carlan has done such a great job with this book that I can't wait for the rest of the sisters (did I mention that there are lots of them?) to get their stories, too. Grab this one and enjoy. ❤️


good start but needs work

I am normally a sucker for a good romance but with this one, it feels like the writer is writing solely for the purpose of moving her story along. A lot of the things that happen are choppy and need more finessing. It’s a good start but I think it needs a little work.



This book has absolutely everything and shows you the power of determination, achieving your dreams, falling in love, and bonding with sisters of your heart. Each emotion pulling you in a word at a time and at the end of Simone and Jonah’s story you’ll never be the same again. You will embrace all life has to offer and truly connect with the wild child that resides in all of us. This story will leave you in the edge of your seat desperate for every detail and mourning when you read the very last word. Audrey Carlan crafts a beautiful story that connects sisters and what they overcome with one another and becomes stronger together. Absolutely brilliant start to a new series you will not want to put down!


Wild Child

I wasn’t expecting this, but I must say I enjoyed it. It grabbed my attention on the first couple of pages. It’s about sisterhood, looking out for each other, meeting a guy/falling in love with him when you least expect it and solving a crime. Interesting read and it took me ~2 hrs to finish it.


Wildly Captivating! ❤️❤️❤️

Wild Child is a phenomenal book that will captivate your attention from page one and have you turning every page to find out what happens next. Simone is such a loving and kindly wild young woman, struggling to find herself. She’s surrounded by her beautiful foster sisters, Mama Kerry and her own blood sister. Sisterhood as its best! Jonah is the hot FBI agent that you definitely would want to cross your path! Boy he’s dreamy but a broken soul hidden under a badge. Their connection is off the charts! The suspense on this book is spot on. Your heart will beat fast and feel tight with all the suspense that takes place. It’s just that good! I love this side of Audrey Carlan! She is a genius with her words. The crazy plots that she creates in that phenomenal head of hers is mind blowing! Wild Child is product of the beautiful creation. You will get to enjoy the fun, laughter, love, family and suspense all packed in one wildly captivating book! Hands down a must read! Thank you AC for giving us a beautiful escape from this crazy world right now! ❤️❤️❤️ Nanedsmomba- reviewer and blogger for Life Reads With Friends


A Suspenseful Romance

Audrey Carlan captives us again in a new series. Wild Child is the first in the Soul Sister series and I can’t wait until the next. After losing her parents in a terrible house fire when she was a young child, Simone and her sister were sent to a foster. Her foster mother raised 8 foster girls all on her own in a house full of love. But a bad day turns into a nightmare when she’s in the sights of a serial killer. Now she’s under the protection of the FBI agent who was there to protect her and get away from the serial killer. But now that Jonah has saved Simone both are the targets for this serial killer. Love at first sight! Or is it just a case of falling for her Savior? Follow the story of Wild Child Simone and her hero Jonah. Plus the added benefit of all of Simone’s eccentric sisters.


Romance that keeps you on your toes

I love Audrey’s writing! She has a way of interweaving romance, suspense and tragedy into phenomenal books. Simone and Jonah’s story is no exception and ranks in my favorites from her.
 Their story is full of ups and downs from the past and present. Simone is a wild child, ready to have things go right but that’s definitely not in her future when the book starts. Jonah is a busy FBI Agent working on a hard case that calls him to Simone. Add to their story 7 sisters, a foster mama, a broken brotherhood, and one serial killer you won’t be able to put this book down!


Wild Child is a wild ride! ❤️

Jonah is a divorced FBI agent. Simone is a struggling bartender/waitress/floral designer determined to maintain her independence. Their worlds collide with the search for a serial killer. Wild Child has all the makings of a great read: action, romance, heartbreak, and suspense. Loved the first of this series!


WILD CHILD is a must read!!

Wild Child is Audrey Carlan at her best! Returning to her roots of sisterhood, suspense, and a much earned HEA this story had me on the edge of my seat. Simone is an everyday woman struggling to find her place in the world. Jonah is a man with a job he loves but not much else. Two lost souls find each other when they need each other most... This story is book 1 in a series but I appreciated the fact that it was not overrun with info on the supporting characters. At the same time, the peeks of her foster sisters and their dynamic leave a ton of room open for more books!!

Jana love this

Best Romantic Suspense of 2020!

Wild Child is romantic suspense at its best and is the perfect escape to get lost in. From the first chapter you will be blown away and your heart will be beating wildly in your chest. Just wait until you meet the sexy, protective, can I please have all his babies - FBI agent Jonah Fontaine. He made me sweat as much as he made me swoon. As soon as he met Simone with her big personality and beautiful eyes that showed you her amazing soul, he was hooked and so was I. The way Jonah always had to keep her close and every time they touched it was electric. They grounded each other in the most beautiful way. This couple needed each other as much as they wanted each other and it was magnificent to watch them fall in love. Simone has a biological sister and foster sisters who are fantastic - her soul sisters and loving foster mama are her whole world. You will fall in love with each of them for different reasons. They would do anything for each other and it’s breathtaking to watch. I wanted to be their sister by choice too. With sisterhood like that, you know you’re never alone. You need to read this book for the hot FBI guys, the soul sisters, the pictures, the Ferris wheel, the books and the chase alone. Audrey Carlan this story is a perfect blend of everything I love about all your stories rolled into one. Wild Child will captivate you as you take this thrilling journey of heartache, forgiveness, hope, sacrifice, friendship, sisterhood and life changing love. Tracey, Life Reads With Friends


By far the best book of 2020!

Do you love a book that grabs your attention from the very first page? Do you love a book that is so unpredictable you just have to keep reading to see how it ends? This is one of those books. Be prepared to want to read this book in one sitting. This is a book you will want to devour whole. The main characters Simone and Jonah have such an amazing chemistry that is felt from the very start and at times they are sizzling to the point I checked to see if my kindle app was on fire. Did I mention Jonah is an FBI agent and an alpha male? Not only does he want to save Simone but he needs a bit of saving too. These two will leave you swooning and wanting more! Simone also has a group of sisters as she was in foster care. She has one biological sister and several other foster sisters. The bond that all the sisters share is just truly amazing and it is something I feel every woman needs! Soul sisters for the win!!! This book is heart pounding and heart stopping all at the same time. From the heart pounding suspense and not knowing what’s going to happen next to the heart stopping and skipping beats and stomach somersaults of Simone and Jonah’s connection, this book takes you on a ride. So buckle up, grab some tissues and maybe some popcorn. This is a book you do not want to miss. Absolutely hands down the best book of 2020 by far.



From the first page I was hooked! This was by far one of the most amazing stories I have read and it that leaves you wanting more. The story focuses on Simone and Jonah and the unconventional way they meet and the circumstances that keep them together. The love story that ensues is everything you would want in real life. I found myself completely engrossed and wishing that I was in fact one of the sisters in the story so that I could see everything first hand. The concept of sisterhood is completely heartwarming and I am hoping that this leads to a story for each of the amazing women introduced. You would be doing yourself a disservice by not reading this book. Kudos to Audrey Carlan for another amazing book!

Boating Mom

Bonds of love and sisterhood!

Audrey Carlan nailed it with this book! The chemistry, suspense, and family bonds make this book one of a kind! Simone and Jonah meet in a very unexpected way that was the icing on the cake after an absolutely horrible day for Simone. The events that take place after will have chills running down your spine. But the passion between Jonah and Simone will warm you right back up again. While the relationship between Jonah and Simone was more than enough to keep me flipping page after page, the bonds between Simone and her foster family was so heartwarming! The bonds of sisterhood are an amazing thing and I absolutely adored the unity between them all. While I love a great romance, this story gave me something even better. It filled my heart to overflowing! Thank you to Audrey Carlan for writing such an inspiring story!


Edge of your seat

I was so not expecting everything about this book. Yes, it's a romance, but there's so much more to it than that. There is family by chance. There is a deep, abiding mother's love. There is the bond of sisters by blood as well as sisters by chance. There is sorrow and suspense and drama and gut wrenching tragedy. And then there is the soul deep love that completes two souls and brings them together and able to survive anything. I laughed; I cried; and I can't wait for more of this amazing group. Ms. Carlan truly outdid herself with this book and has set the bar high.


Wild Child was WILD!

I am honored to take part in the release blitz for Audrey Carlan's newest release: "Wild Child"! Book 1 in her Soul Sister series! Audrey has outdone herself again! // "Wild Child" was WILD! Wildly exciting, suspenseful, romantic, and full of love for the sisterhood! // Simone and her seven foster sisters grew up together by circumstance but stayed together by choice, forming their own sisterhood with Mama Kerri heading up their matriarch. "Wild Child" focuses on Simone’s story, along with an introduction to the sisters of Kerrighan House. // Full-force action right from the start! I was pulled to the edge of my seat in a matter of moments, and now I think twice before taking off somewhere! More on that when you read the book, though, as I don't want to spoil anything! I loved how quickly I became immersed in the storyline and characters. I absolutely relished the Ferris Wheel scene; love love love! That fierce, bold connection between Simone and FBI Agent Jonah Fontaine was delicious! Their relationship was more than just instantaneous love; I could FEEL the real and raw emotion coming through the pages of my Kindle Paperwhite! // The thrilling murder mystery FBI hunt kept the action flowing from start to finish. Along those lines... I was in literal tears at a certain point; trust me, you will understand when you read it! That ending, though, I savored EVERY bit of it. A luscious conclusion to the love story and a bittersweet sisterly transition from book one leading up to book two. Add this romance to Simone's sisters and Jonah's brother in blue's intense loyalty, and you have a novel that 100% makes it into my top reads of 2020! // Another wonderful read that I'd recommend from rooftops by the brilliant Audrey Carlan! Many thanks to the author and Social Butterfly PR for my advanced complimentary copy of this title. I have honestly and voluntarily reviewed this title.


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